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Searching the Library Catalog (Primo)

This how-to guide will cover tips for searching the library's online catalog for materials.

Performing basic searches

To search the library catalog, just type one or more words describing your topic into the main search bar. The library catalog will assume that you are searching for all of the words that you type, and will return results that contain all of the specified terms. 

So for this search, Yellowstone National Park,

screenshot of search bar with the term Yellowstone National Park typed in


the catalog searches for item records containing those words together, or as close together as possible. These items are what are displayed in the search results list. 

screenshot of search results for Yellowstone National Park. Three item records have instances of yellow underlining where the term Yellowstone or Yellowstone National Park appear.


Each record in the search results list will have yellow underlined text, which shows you the terms relevant to your search. In the above results, the words Yellowstone and Yellowstone National Park are underlined, showing that those are the exact or close terms to the search terms you entered. 

Setting your search scope

When using the library catalog, you can set your search scope to change the collections you are searching. The search scope is a drop down selection on the right hand side in the search bar. 

screenshot of the library catalog search bar with the search scope on the right hand side of the bar outlined in red


Weaver Library's catalog has three different search scopes:

  • Great Falls College MSU (default): searches all materials (print and electronic) available at Weaver Library.
  • Great Falls College MSU Print Collection: searches all print/physical materials (books, dvds, journals) available at Weaver Library. 
  • TRAILS Collections: searches materials available at Treasure State Academic Information & Library Services (TRAILS) member institutions that are available to request.