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Searching the Library Catalog (Primo)

This how-to guide will cover tips for searching the library's online catalog for materials.

Logging in to your library account

Your library account allows you to manage your personal details, checked out items, item requests, fines and fees, and messages. It also allows you to favorite items from the catalog and view your search history. 

You can log into your library account while you are using the library catalog. To do so, click the "sign in" button located in menu bar in the upper right hand side of the screen. This menu bar is fixed, so you will be able to log in at any time while using the library catalog. 

screenshot of the home page of the weaver library online catalog. At the top of the page above the search bar and announcements is a blue menu bar. Towards the right hand side of the menu bar is a "sign in" button outlined in red with an arrow pointing to it.

Once you press the sign in button, a small screen will pop-up asking you to select a sign in method. Students, faculty, and staff should select "GFCMSU Student/Faculty/Staff Login." 

screenshot of catalog log in prompt. The first selection, "GFCMSU Students/Faculty/Staff Login" is emphasized. Underneath is an option for "non GFCMSU Patrons."

You will then be prompted to sign in with your NetID credentials. Once you complete this step, you will be redirected to the library catalog where you will be logged in. When you are logged in, your name will appear in the spot where the "sign in" button was. 

screenshot of Montana State University Libraries authenticated log in screen. The log in asks for NetID and password.

My Library Card

The My Library Card feature is a dashboard where you can check the status of your library account including loans (items checked out), requests, fines and fees, messages, and update your personal details. To get to the My Library Card dashboard, click on the drop down arrow next to your name once you are logged in. Then, click on the first drop down option, "My Library Card."

screenshot of drop down menu when you click on your name on the right hand side of the library catalog menu bar. There is a red outline around your name and a red arrow pointing to the "my library card option" in the drop down list.

The My Library Card dashboard gives you an overview of your account. You can use the tabs at the top of the screen to navigate your account. In this example, by looking at the overview tab we can see what items the patron has checked out, and what items they have requested to pick up from the library. This patron has no fines or messages from the library. 

screenshot of the "my library card" overview dashboard. The patron has one loan, Indian Legends of the Pacific Northwest; one request, Pipestone; no fines and fees; and no blocks or messages from the library.

Using the favorites list

Using the library catalog, you can add catalog items to your favorites list. This is handy if you are working on a project or want to keep a record of the items you refer to frequently. To add items to your favorites list, first, make sure you are signed in to your library account. Then, search for items you are interested in saving. Once you have found an item you wish to add to your favorites list, click on the pin icon at the top right corner of the item record. 

screenshot of "I know why the caged bird sings" in the catalog results list. In the upper right hand side there is a row of icons containing a pin icon. The pin icon is outlined in red.

All items you pin will be listed for you on your favorites list. You can get to this list by clicking the pin icon in the blue main menu bar at the top of the screen. The pin icon is located next to your name when you are signed in to your library account. 

screenshot of the blue main menu bar in the library catalog. On the right hand side of the bar are three buttons: a QR code, a pin icon, and your name with a drop down arrow. There is a red arrow pointing to the pin icon.




screenshot of favorites list in library account. List contains saved item records for "The color purple" by Alice Walker, "When the light of the world was subdued, our songs came through" edited by Joy Harjo, and "New poets of native nations" edited by Heid E Erdrich.

Favoriting searches and search history

Using your library account, you view your search history and favorite searches that you want to save for later. You must be signed in to your library account to record search history and favorite searches. 

If you have a search you'd like to favorite, go to the "my favorites" panel by clicking on the pin icon in the menu bar at the top right of the screen. Once at your favorites panel, choose the tab "search history." This will show you a list of your search history. 

screenshot of library account my favorites dashboard. The search history tab is outlined in red with an arrow pointing to it, and below the tab is a list of search history.


To favorite a search, click on the pin button to the right hand side of the correct search in your search history. 

screenshot of search history list in my favorites dashboard of library account. To the right of the most recent search history record is a pin icon next to a trash bin icon. The pin icon is outlined in red with a red arrow pointing to it.

Once pinned, the search will move to the saved searches tab. 

screenshot of my favorites dashboard in library account. The saved searches tab is outlined in red with an arrow pointing to it. Underneath is a list of saved searches.