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2024 TRAILS Montana Academic Library Symposium

May 22–24, 2024, hosted at Great Falls College MSU with assistance from The University of Providence and the Touro College of Osteopathic Medicine Touro University.

The TRAILS Appreciation Award (TAA) recognizes special or significant effort by an individual or team that contributes to the betterment of the consortium and its members. The TAA is awarded to staff members who exemplify the values of TRAILS:

  • Improving access to or affordability of resources for member institutions and their users 
  • Enhancing research or pedagogy 
  • Improving user experience  
  • Sharing expertise 

TRAILS Members may support these values through:

  • Excellence in performance
  • Peer-to-peer communication and association
  • Leadership qualities
  • Personal or team accomplishments

Actions that demonstrate these values can include, but are not limited to:

  • Providing services or special support (training, sharing knowledge) to TRAILS colleagues or member institutions

  • Volunteering for and working on special projects

  • Volunteering to serve on a committee and contributing to its success 

  • Making creative suggestions or developing new work methods that reduce waste or stretch resources 

  • Performance of commitments at an exceptional level

If you have a staff member that meets one or more of the above qualifications, please proceed to the next section to submit them as a TAA nominee or nominees. Please note - preference will be given to nominees that have not been awarded within the last 2 years.

Nomination submissions are due March 15.

Nominators will be notified of the selected candidate or candidates by April 5th.