For additional Chicago-Style guidance not covered in this guide, please see the Chicago Manual of Style Quick Citation Guide.
Tip: Use the most recent version of the citation style unless your instructor requests otherwise.
Chicago-style source citations can be done in either (1) notes and bibliography, and (2) author-date.
The notes and bibliography system is commonly used in the humanities, including literature, history, and the arts. In notes and bibliography, sources are cited in numbered footnotes and endnotes that correspond to a raised (superscript) number in the text. Sources are also listed in a bibliography at the end of the paper.
The author-date system is more common in the sciences and social sciences. In this system, sources are briefly cited in the text using a parethetical citation containing the author's last name and year of publication. Each in-text citation will correspond with an entry in the reference list containing full bibliographic information for each cited source.
Notes Basic Format:
Author First Last, "Article Title," Journal Title vol., no. (Month Year): specific page number(s), DOI/URL.
Notes Example:
Adam Meehan, "Repetition, Race, and Desire in The Great Gatsby," Journal of Modern Literature 37, no. 2 (Winter 2014): 78,
Shortened Notes Basic Format:
Author Last Name, "First Word of Article Title," specific page number(s).
Shortened Notes Example:
2. Meehan, "Repetition," 76-77.
Bibliographic Entry Basic Format:
Author Last, First. "Article Title." Journal Title vol., no. (Month Year): page numbers. DOI/URL
Bibliographic Entry Example:
Meehan, Adam. "Repetition, Race, and Desire in The Great Gatsby." Journal of Modern Literature 37, no. 2 (Winter 2014): 76-91.
Basic Format:
Author A Last, First, Author B First Last, and Author C First Last. Date. "Title of Article." Journal Title vol, no. (Month): pages. DOI/URL
Reference List Example:
Burcaş, Sylvia, and Romeo Zeno Creţu. 2021. "Multidimensional Perfectionism and Test Anxiety: A Meta-Analytic Review of Two Decades of Research." Educational Psychology Review 33, no. 1 (March): 249-273.
In-Text Citation Example:
(Burcas and Cretu 2021, 250-251).
Notes Basic Format:
Author First Last, "Title of Article," Title of Newspaper/Magazine, Date, page number (if available), URL.
Notes Example:
Rebecca Santana and Jay Reeves, "Hurricane Ida Leaves Hundreds Trapped by Floodwater and 1 Million Without Power," Time, August 31, 2021,
Shortened Notes Basic Format:
Author Last, "Shortened Article Title," page number (if available).
Shortened Notes Example:
Santana and Reeves, "Hurricane Ida."
Bibliography Basic Format:
Author Last, First, and Second Author First Last. "Title of Article." Newspaper/Magazine Title, Date. URL/or Database
Bibliography Example:
Santana, Rebecca, and Jay Reeves. "Hurricane Ida Leaves Hundreds Trapped by Floodwater and 1 Million Without Power." Time, August 31, 2021.
Basic Format:
Author Last, First. "Title of Article." Newspaper/Magazine Title, Date. URL/Database
Reference List Example:
Goodman, Peter S. "Hurricane Ida Could Make the Supply Chain Disaster Even Worse." The New York Times, August 31, 2021. Nexis Uni.
In-Text Citation Example:
(Goodman 2021)
Notes Basic Format:
"Web Page Title," Website Name, Publisher, date of publication/accessed date, URL.
Notes Example:
"Strategic Planning," Great Falls College Montana State University, accessed on August 31, 2021,
Shortened Notes Basic Format:
Publisher, "Web Page."
Shortened Notes Example:
Great Falls College, "Strategic."
Bibliography Entry Basic Format:
Publisher. "Title of Web Page." Publication or access date. URL.
Bibliography Example:
Great Falls College Montana State University. "Strategic Planning." Accessed on August 31, 2021.
Reference List Basic Format:
Publisher or Author. "Title of Web Page." Publication or access date. URL.
Reference List Example:
Great Falls College Montana State University. "Strategic Planning." Accessed on August 31, 2021.
In-Text Citation:
(Great Falls College, n.d.)
Notes Basic Format:
Author First Last, Title of Book (City: Publisher, Year), pages.
Notes Example:
Elizabeth Kolbert, Field Notes from a Catastrophe: Man, Nature, and Climate Change (New York: Bloomsbury Publishing, 2006), 45-46.
Shortened Notes Basic Format:
Author Last Name, Shortened Title, pages.
Shortened Notes Example:
Kolbert, Field Notes, 77.
Bibliography Entry Basic Format:
Author Last, First. Title of Book. City: Publisher, Year.
Bibliography Entry Example:
Kolbert, Elizabeth. Field Notes from a Catastrophe: Man, Nature, and Climate Change. New York: Bloomsbury Publishing, 2006.
Reference List Basic Format:
Author Last, First. Year. Title of Book. City: Publisher.
Reference List Example:
Kolbert, Elizabeth. 2006. Field Notes from a Catastrophe: Man, Nature, and Climate Change. New York: Bloomsbury Publishing.
In-Text Citation Basic Format:
(Author Last Year, pages)
In-Text Citation Example:
(Kolbert 2006, 14)
Notes Basic Format:
Author First Last, Title of Book (City: Publisher, Year), pages, URL/Database Name.
Notes Example:
Jerri Bell, Tracy Crow, and Kayla Williams, It's My Country Too: Women's Military Stories from the American Revolution to Afghanistan (Lincoln: Potomac Books, 2017, 30-32, ProQuest Ebook Central.
Shortened Notes Basic Format:
Author Last, Shortened Title, pages/chapter.
Shortened Notes Example:
Bell, Crow, and Williams, It's My Country, chapter 4.
Bibliography Entry Basic Format:
Author Last, First. Title of Book. City: Publisher, Year. URL/Database Name.
Bibliography Entry Example:
Bell, Jerri, Tracy Crow, and Kayla Williams. It's My Country Too: Women's Military Stories from the American Revolution to Afghanistan. Lincoln: Potomac Books, 2017. ProQuest Ebook Central.
Reference List Basic Format:
Author Last, First. Year. Title of Book. City: Publisher. URL/Database.
Reference List Example:
Bell, Jerri, Tracy Crow, and Kayla Williams. 2017. It's My Country Too: Women's Military Stories from the American Revolution to Afghanistan. Lincoln: Potomac Books. ProQuest Ebook Central.
In-Text Citation Example:
(Bell, Crow, and Williams 2017, 104)
Notes Basic Format:
Author First Last, "Chapter Name," in Title of Book, ed. Editor Name First Last (City: Publisher, Year), pages.
Notes Example:
Margaret Rose Torrell, "Negotiating Virtual Contact Zones: Revolutions in the Role of the Research Workshop," in Critical Library Instruction: Theories & Methods, eds. Maria T. Accardi, Emily Drabinski, and Alana Kumbier (Duluth: Library Juice Press, 2010), 92.
Shortened Note Basic Format:
Author Last Name, "Shortened Chapter Title," cited page number.
Shortened Note Example:
Torrell, "Negotiating Virtual," 99.
Bibliography Entry Basic Format:
Author Last, First. "Chapter Title." In Title of Book, edited by Editors First Last Names, page range for chapter. City: Publisher, Year.
Bibliography Entry Example:
Torrell, Margaret Rose. "Negotiating Virtual Contact Zones: Revolutions in the Role of the Research Workshop." In Critical Library Instruction: Theories & Methods, edited by Maria T. Accardi, Emily Drabinski, and Alana Kumbier, 89-103. Duluth: Library Juice Press, 2010.
Reference List Basic Format:
Author Last, First. Year. "Chapter Title." In Title of Book, edited by Editor(s) First Last Name, page range for chapter. City: Publisher.
Reference List Example:
Peterson, Elizabeth. 2010. "Problem Based Learning as Teaching Strategy." In Critical Library Instruction: Theories & Methods, edited by Maria T. Accardi, Emily Drabinski, and Alana Kumbier, 71-80. Duluth: Library Juice Press.
In-Text Citation Example:
(Peterson 2010, 75)
Notes Basic Format:
Editor First Last, ed., Title of Edited Book (City: Publisher, Year), cited pages.
Notes Example:
Maria T. Accardi, Emily Drabinski, and Alana Kumbier, eds. Critical Library Instruction: Theories & Methods (Duluth: Library Juice Press, 2010), 151.
Shortened Notes Basic Format:
Editor(s) Last Name(s), Shortened Title of Edited Book, cited pages.
Shortened Notes Example:
Accardi, Drabinski, and Kumbier, Critical Library, 64.
Bibliography Entry Basic Format:
Editor(s) Last, First, ed. Title of Edited Book. City: Publisher, Year.
Bibliography Entry Example:
Accardi, Maria T., Emily Drabinski, and Alana Kumbier, eds. Critical Library Instruction: Theories & Methods. Duluth: Library Juice Press, 2010.
Reference List Entry Example:
Editor Last, First. Year. Title of Edited Book. City: Publisher.
Reference List Example:
Accardi, Maria T., Emily Drabinski, and Alana Kumbier. 2010. Critical Library Instruction: Theories & Methods. Duluth: Library Juice Press.
In-Text Citation Example:
(Accardi, Drabinski, and Kumbier 2010, 33)
Notes Basic Format:
Author First Last, Title of Book, trans. Translator First Last (City: Publisher, Year), cited pages.
Notes Example:
Anne Frank, The Diary of A Young Girl The Definitive Edition, eds. Otto H. Frank and Mirjam Pressler, trans. Susan Massotty (New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 2010), 58-59.
Shortened Notes Basic Format:
Author Last, Shortened Title of Book, cited pages.
Shortened Notes Example:
Frank, Diary, 88.
Bibliography Basic Format:
Author Last, First. Title of Book. Translated by First Last. City: Publisher, Year.
Bibliography Example:
Frank, Anne. The Diary of a Young Girl The Definitive Edition. Edited by Otto H. Frank and Mirjam Pressler. Translated by Susan Massotty. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 2010.
Reference List Entry Basic Format:
Author Last, First. Year. Title of Book. Translated by First Last. City: Publisher.
Reference List Entry Example:
Frank, Anne. 2010. The Diary of a Girl The Definitive Edition. Edited by Otto H. Frank and Mirjam Pressler. Translated by Susan Massotty. New York: Alfred A. Knopf.
In-Text Citation Example:
(Frank 2010, 55)